The Investment Scientist

Another German Health Practice That Helps Me Greatly!

Posted on: November 11, 2023

Have you heard of EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) Training? I came to know about this type of training only after my family moved to Germany and I spent part of my time there. 

Essentially, you put on a special tight suit that sends electrical pulses through your body as you exercise. This is supposed to stimulate whole body muscle contractions including muscles that were not in use. 

In Germany, an EMS Training session usually lasts 20 minutes. This is probably the most efficient strength exercise I know. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym, exercising each and every muscle one at a time. You spend 20 minutes a week and your entire body gets an intense workout.

From my personal experience, it is indeed very effective. I spend my time between Germany and the United States and when I am in the US, I don’t have access to EMS Training in my neighborhood. Despite keeping active with an exercise routine of Yoga and Tabata, I can feel myself losing muscle strength while I am in the US. After a few rounds of EMS Training in Germany, however, I can feel myself regaining muscle strength.

Why Is It Important?

Well, because muscle strength is crucial to our longevity and quality of life. Did you know that accidental falls are a leading cause of death for seniors? And what causes accidental falls?  The muscle atrophy that happened to all of us.

According to studies, muscle atrophy starts in our 30s. By the time we are in our 50s, the speed of atrophying accelerates to about 1% a year – meaning we lose 1% of muscle mass and strength per year. And it only accelerates from there. 

That’s why it is extremely important for folks like us who are 50 and over,  to maintain our muscle mass. However most of us are too busy to spend hours at the gym and, speaking for myself, anyway,  it’s boring having to repeat reps to work on each and every muscle. That’s why I find EMS Training so appealing – It’s a time saver!

Unfortunately, EMS Training is not as popular in the US as it is in Germany. I hope more people learn about it and some enterprising, savvy business people will start providing it here in the US as well. 

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Michael Zhuang is principal of MZ Capital, a fee-only independent advisory firm based in Washington, DC.
